Novice Investment Tutorial©

Second Edition

Getting Started


    Welcome to the Novice Investment Tutorial Second Edition. This was redesigned to give you the basic knowledge to get you started investing in the various stocks markets of the world.  Rather if you are a novice just starting out, or an experienced trader, this was designed for all to pick up a few tips.

         I am Vince, many know me as VCO in the investment chat rooms in ICQ and mIRC and my other sites.  I was involved in ICQ's Investment and Trading site, the development of Stocktraders-ICQ©,advstocktraders and now several others getting them set up.  We have developed a system for traders to communicate and trade picks and ideas.  This tutorial was developed to explain in detail for many of the questions novice investors would ask us with in our sites.  Granted, most of the examples were written back in 1998, so the stock prices used are out of date.  But the concepts still apply to how to understand the basics and ultimately have a much better future. 

        I discuss the various investment tools in order to get started in this tutorial.  Covering a range of subject such as the internet, markets, companies, brokers, drips, strategies and how to keep records.

        Feel free to contact me at my email address  teamwhiskers@yahoo.com for your comments or if you would be interested in printing this tutorial.   No sales solicitation please.  This  site may not be copied in any form any of the information for other use without written consent.  I would like to welcome people from all over the world. Thank you for visiting as I am now out on the Professional Catfishing Tour.   So.. See you on the water then....   Vince

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Written By Vince

of TeamWhiskers

The 2002 U.S.-C.A.T.S. World Cup Champions

Professional Catfishing

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